Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Summertime reflections

Four months have gone by since I set foot in my college's OT department. I've made no secret of the fact that returning to college last September proved to be a difficult transition for me. I'd regularly ask myself why, would it be worth it, am I doing the right thing. I felt like I could never strike the balance between college and my personal life. I immersed myself in books, journals and articles trying to absorb everything my college tutors were throwing at me. I stopped doing the things that make me happy - painting, crafting, yoga. I found myself too tired at the end of each day to do little more than veg out on the couch and watch mindless tv. The whole of first year went by in a blur of assignments, deadlines and unhealthy coffee and cake breaks. Before I knew it April arrived, bringing longer days and an end to the barrage of college work. I made a promise to myself; I would make the most of the summer months. I threw myself in to project after project, determined to wake up each morning with a plan for the day. Having a purpose, a goal, something to get me out of bed in the morning was nothing short of motivation in itself. I immersed myself in glue and fabric, paint and glitter, baking, Pinterest and exercise classes. Rooms have been painted, furniture upstyled, new clothes created and new recipes tasted. I made the most of my months off, each day making up for what I neglected during the eight months of college. I fulfilled the promise I made to myself in April; I made the most of the four beautiful summer months. Now I feel ready for second year and everything that it will no doubt throw my way. I now know what to expect. I know the hours that it will take from me. I know I will have ups and downs and I know there will be times when I will want to throw in the towel and give up. But I'll pull through those moments just like I did in first year. Reflecting on everything has brought me to this conclusion; finding a balance between work and play is essential to mental health. I'm determined to find my balance this year. 

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